Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tudor Period Food Recipes

Ever wondered what they ate in Tudor England? Here’s a few recipes from the cooks at Hampton Court Palace:

Gooseberry Tart with Saffron Pastry

Take goseberies and parboyle then in white wine claret or ale, and boyle withall a little white bread, then take them up and drawe them through a strayner as thick as you can, with the yolkes of five Egges, then season it up with suger, halfe a dishe of butter, to bake it.

Take fine flower, a little faire water, and a dish of sweete butter, and a little saffron and the yolkes of two egges and make it thin and tender as ye may.
Apple Sauce for Roast Pork

Take halfe vinegar and half Vergis, a handfull of percely and sage chopte very small, a pomewater shredde very small, then take the gravie of the pigge with sugar and pepper and boyle them together.
French Toast

Take faire yolkes of eyren, and try hem from the white, and drawe hem thorgh a streynour; and then take salte, and caste thereto; and then take manged brede or paynman, and kutte hit in leches; and then take faire butter, and clarefy hit or elles take fressh grece and put hit yn a faire pan and make hit hote; And then wete the brede well there in the yolkes of eyren, and then ley hit on the batur in the pan, whan the buttur is al hote; and then whan it is fried ynowe, take sugur ynowe, and caste there-to whan hit it in the dissh. And so serve hit forth.
Lamb Stew with Chicken and Raisins

Take a necke of mutton and a brest to make the broth stronge and then scum it cleane and when it hath boyled a while, take part of the broth and put it into another pot and put thereto a pound of raisins and let them boyle till they be tender, then strayne a little bread with the Raisins and the broth all together, then chop time, sawge and Persley with other small hearbes and put into the mutton then put in the strayned raysins with whole prunes, cloves and mace, pepper, saffron and a little salt and if ye may stew a chicken withall or els sparrowes or such other small byrdes.

Salmon and Fig Fish Pies

Take Fygys and grynd hem wel; then take F(re)yssche Samoun and goode Freyssche Elys wyl y-sothe, and pyke out the bonys, and grynd the Fyssche with the fygis and do there-to pouder Gyngere, Canelle; and take fayre past (of) Floure and make fayre cakys ryth thinne, and take of the fars, and lay on the cake and close with a-nother, then take a Sawcere, and skoure the sydis and close the cake, and Frye hem in Oyle, and if thou wolt have hym partye, coloure hym with Safroun, Percely and Sawndderys and serve forth for a gode fryid mete.

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